Monday, 25 November 2013

Industrial Design

I want to follow up my schooling of interior design with the path of industrial design. I've always wanted to create something that would revolutionize todays world. I have a sketchbook full of different things I've found interest in designing, from bicycles to water bottles.

I have an image to support this:

Drawing of a Concept Bicycle

This is a bicycle that I've been working on, I've been screwing around with the concept of having a road bike without any front forks so the bike looks and feels more stream line. I want the bicycle seat to feel as it is floating over the back wheel to make the rider feel like he is one with the bike. I love drafting up new ideas and playing around with what is possible and how we can achieve it.

I've been looking at potential schooling that offers the programs that can help me further my education and VCAD offers industrial design courses that outline fundamentals and programs that help in the field of this design. Also Emily Carr University of Art and Design offers the same.

I've enjoyed my schooling of interior design I just don't know if it is what I want to spend the rest of my working career doing. From sitting down and realizing that drawing is what I want to do for the rest of my life and designing is what I enjoy I came to the realization that Industrial Design is the path for me.

Thanks for reading!

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